WyndhamHome Vet
Your friendly family vet in Truganina& surrounding area

Our Services
Health Checkups
- Skin, Ear and Eye problems
- Gastrointestinal diseases
- Anal gland checkups
- Lump checks and surgical referral
Vaccinations & Microchipping
- Comprehensive health checkup and advice
- Puppy and Kitten vaccinations
- Annual Dog and Cat vaccinations
- Dog and Cat microchipping
Palliative Care & Advice
- Arthritis care
- Chronic pain management
- End of life advice
- Euthanasia and cremation service
Please note that we do not offer x-rays or surgical procedures including desexing.

Come to us,
or we'll come to you!
We have a clinic located on the main road.
If your pet is an anxious traveler or you have difficulty reaching us, we can come to you for a home visit.
Please note that home visits are by a
phone call appointment only and is only available during our Saturday opening times.
Home visits are also limited to the Wyndham region.
Where are we?
468 Morris Road, Truganina VIC 3029.
Entry is located on the rear side of the property via Bellevue Drive.
Opening Times
- sundayClosed
- monday6:00pm - 8:00pm
- tuesday6:00pm - 8:00pm
- wednesday6:00pm - 8:00pm
- thursday6:00pm - 8:00pm
- friday6:00pm - 8:00pm
- saturday10:00am - 5:00pm
Contact Us
or call us at
0414-838-000About Us
Dr Smitha Rose Georgy
Dr Smitha Rose Georgy, is a registered veterinary practitioner in Victoria since 2014. She worked as a veterinary surgeon overseas before moving to Melbourne in 2006. She started Wyndham Home Vet in 2015 to assist pet owners in the wider Wyndham area with friendly, affordable and convenient veterinary services.
Smitha is also a registered specialist in Veterinary Pathology from the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. In addition to her work at Wyndham Home Vet, she enjoys her role as a senior lecturer at the University of Melbourne, where she trains future veterinarians.
Wyndham Home Vet is a small family-owned business, where her husband and their children take an active part in running it.

Meet Our Mascot
Since the beginning of Wyndham Home Vet Riley has been proudly helping us welcome new customers and diligently letting us know when clients are around the corner.
If you swing by the front of the property you may be able to see him patiently waiting by the window to say hello to passer bys.